Cricca Dei Balordi fuori meno dieci

That day I had yellow Pumas, eyes fucked up by sleep
I was leaning over the edge
And everything around me was like being passed through a lathe
Suspended inside the chloroform
I saw canyons of condominiums while breathing chicken and mustard
Sweating to stay afloat
Where is the flaw, who is deceiving
Which of you bastards will have my shot in the barrel
I saw miserable lives for the class struggle
Unstable megaphones to inform the masses
Black bands too low,
The little black girl was turned around before he stabbed her
Red to the bone and now tampered with
/>Until the excess of excess
With the mind that splashed Kafka, shit fixed with lacquer
That sooner or later comes off
Who rocks and above all what
I have smile at a billboard now life is more boring
Sinuous, eyes like this plink, plink
My soul is blended and fruit in a drink
If God exists, He does too much little sex
But he has a job, and he's a successful guy
It's me against the industry and the unions are barking
These are the times that change
Accomplices the facts I stayed at home in my dicks
And then you go out like crazy
Premium atmosphere is perfect
Father of a family in low lights takes out the rubbish
Do you know who he is dead, alive or wanted
Bounties on the head but he has a well-paid job
Took a breath, but a fucking iron lung
It's like drinking from a spit help
I have I've seen pressed females, stressed machines
I want to be away before you start again
How many were there? where were you going? you confess it
I can also take off, but Caravaggio is pressing me
How many of us, how many do you want, how many can you?
Don't worry, we'll do it later
I thought I'd do nothing it was an ignoble act
In Jamaican nights the horizon is so mobile
I looked for comfortable heads to think about
Everyone keep quiet, from here you can hear the sea
I wrote this and it's the park, like this at sunset
When Froid looked at it my text was more cultured
Now that everything is dissolved now that I've done a lot
I see winter on the fool's big face
It was the typical day of frost where the after is the same as the before
And you feel it when it approaches
I broke the seals of you thousand rabbits
It's the usual game, the one with the balls and skittles
Priscilla and Monica are with Veronica,
Randy is with Marco in a bucolic orgy
My every move is a tangent to his conic
Madness reading a book in a stereophonic pose
In parallel like motorbikes and accidents,
I smoke another video and then I suck my teeth
It's not even a question of texture
Put You can ask a clerk how you are doing
I saw it, that crossroads was mine
There's a stale smell in the closet with the dead
I'm in too, that's enough only that you move a little
It's been a while since the last time in the fire
Eight years as yokoama as you know how to do
Chypa over a riff from Bala laica
The sisters from fat ass they don't give up
They explode, sorceresses of cosmic consumerism
It's a new era, and there was what was there
The fathers pass it on to the evening under the atmosphere
/>Here we are, lost in space
The magnificent man knew about the crime and his toll
I had seen too much during the day
Someone screwed us and ran away with the loot