Crimson Arrow funeral clothes

The power and control you feel in Funeral Clothes.
Pseudo sophistication to conceal your lesions.
Hiding underneath the single suit that you keep clean.
We're gathering data for the record books.
Go about your business as usual.
Juxtaposed to your tuxedo
Little black dress incognito.
Intimidating as she's slinking down the aisle toward the altar.
Brain is pacing heart is racing.
Will your soul let her in?
Diving deep while fast asleep down the darkness in your head.
The power and control you feel in Funeral Clothes.
Pseudo sophistication to conceal your lesions.
Hiding underneath the single suit that you keep clean. 'Cause God is always watching everything that you have seen.
The power and control you feel in Funeral Clothes.
Pseudo sophistication to conceal your lesions.
Hiding underneath the single suit that you keep clean. 'Cause God is always watching everything that you have seen.
Take off your jacket and just relax for a while, ok?
Converse with me about everything that you have seen. Submit into me your deepest darkest insecurities.
Pull a string from your tie and unravel your life, I'm here patiently listening.
Her hands are shaking from fear.
She's trembling.
Just let your hair down.
Oh darling calm down.
The power and control you feel in Funeral Clothes.
Pseudo sophistication to conceal your lesions.
Hiding underneath the single suit that you keep clean. 'Cause God is always watching everything that you have seen.
The power and control you feel in Funeral Clothes.
Pseudo sophistication to conceal your lesions.
Hiding underneath the single suit that you keep clean. 'Cause God is always watching everything that you have seen.
Go about your business as usual.