Cristian Castro almohada

Love like ours there are not two in life
no matter how much you look for it, no matter how much you hide it
you sleep with me every night
you stay silent without any reproach
for That's what I love you, that's why I adore you
You are all my treasure in my life.
Sometimes I come back drunk with anguish
I fill you with kisses and limp caresses
but you're asleep, you don't feel caresses
I hug you to my chest I fall asleep with you
but then I wake up you are not with me
there is only my pillow.
Sometimes I look at you silently and absently
and I suffer in silence like so many people
I would like to shout at you to come back to me
that if I am still alive it is only to love you
but everything passes and the sufferings
like words are carried away by the wind .
That's why I come back drunk with anguish
I fill you with kisses and limp caresses
but you're asleep, you don't feel caresses
I hug you to my chest, I fall asleep with you
but later I wake up, you are not with me
there is only my pillow.