Cromwell chemical ride

I try to leave the room but you're everywhere
No matter where I go
I try to block your face but it's everywhere
No matter where I go
I will be standing with that blank face
We will be standing in the same place by the car
Wondering where we're going to go, after we smoke
Back to the way it was before I had you
But it's not the same
Sitting in the back seat looking out the window
Looking for a place in my mind
Where you're not
They bought me drinks, it's free, when you fall apart
You'll feel better indulge
Back to the car, I'll have the spins in an hour
Hope it's not too far
Sitting in the backseat looking out the window
A chemical, a chemical ride
She controls
Fall, the tears fall down my face
I'm thinking of it all
An overdose of thoughts
And they're all about you
You suffocate all my thoughts
You own my mind and I...