Crystal Bright and the Silver Hands crescent moon bear

In the times of concentration
comes the wave of fierce frustration
and the shaking of your waking dreams.
Please, try to wake up,
I'll be waiting on the mountain, Crescent Moon Bear.
I'll feed you if you let me stand close by.
Why do you seethe in my presence?
I only want to show you my love.
Try to trust me crescent moon bear
from your snow cave, shadows lurk there.
I'll feed you if you let me touch your face.
I won't chase you.
I'll wait outside your door and let you roar.
Now I see the world in your eyes.
Mountains, valleys, rivers flow there.
I see the world in your eyes.
Mountains, valleys, rivers flow there.
All I ask for, Crescent moon bear,
is one single white throat hair.
I'll feed you when you're ready to come in.