Curse gleichgewicht

There are too few good words, far too many well-intentioned ones, far too many false friends, with too few true enemies, far too many deep sleepers, far too few awake dreamers Far too much deforestation, far too little rebellion, far too few keep their promises, far too many break their word even with the smallest things and resolutions, too many swear teasing, not talking enough, chatting too much, telling too little,
I have experienced too much to give you too little,
Too many see without understanding, but the main problem is
too many think they understand without seeing anything,
too many go but don't know where to go,
there are so many big roads where there are too few clear paths
too many distant ones acquaintances with so few who are close,
far too much caution and yet where little indulgence,
there is so much to tell with too little time,
far too few pages in the book if I write too many rhymes
even if we doubt the balance,
and I ask myself about the meaning and realize I don't know,
I accept it as it was and what happens next,
because from the sun through the moon,
the same light shines,
even if we doubt the balance,
and I ask myself about that sense and notice I don't know,
I accept it as it was and as it continues to be,
because from the sun through the moon,
the same light shines.
I'm just way too thirsty for my soul,
too little knowledge and pure water for my throat,
plus too many who don't know that too little knowledge eats the soul
and that You measure experience based on the paths you've already taken,
Too few people who are alive, too many before for wars,
Too many guys I know, too few of the people I love,
Far too many who I stress out with too few interests, too few who support me, too many who underestimate me, too many flowing streams but too few blazing rivers, in love There are so few kisses, too many people playing poker,
There is not enough drinking and eating at various places
And not enough money flows there because they tend to forget it,
Too little trust many stories too few learn,
that in case of doubt, rumors feed the doubt in time,
too many who shout and lie, listen when the truth speaks quietly,
too few take action with the balance
yo there are too many true friends who break promises,
and you don't hear enough true words in so many sentences,
am too few came around to see a lot of the world,
but I see far too many people have too little money to live on,
I can put a lot of heart into texts even with little love,
in Lately too much hate has been flowing into people like rain,
too many women and men teaching their children knowledge,
too many signs that point to the end of the earth,
too few hold their heads high, too many act mindlessly,
too many lose their jobs through machines and computers,
too many stand at the mic, too few have anything left to say,
too many Carrying the facades, turning jams into masquerades,
I shed too many tears while I wrote to deep beats,
I was sweating blood in my life that so often went wrong,
/>Too much gravel flows into the wrong pockets, as you can see,
Life provides surprises,
That's why I never sleep deeply.