Dan Bern maccabees

The Maccabees fought the Syrian Greeks
This is the tale of which Hannukah speaks
They were outnumbered
And their way of life was under siege
The way the fought
Had to be seen to be believed
The Syrian Greeks led by Antiochus
A ruler who’d have loved to throw
The Jews under the bus
But Judah Maccabee and his brave group of men
Fought against great odds and won their temple back again
And before the war was over
There was oil for one day
To keep the lights bright
Burning through the night
But the oil for one day
Burned for eight and they
We're OK
And that’s the miracle we celebrate today
And before the war was over
There was oil for one day
To keep the lights bright
Burning through the night
But the oil for one day
Burned for eight and they
We're OK
And that’s the miracle we celebrate today