Dan Bern midnight in nebraska

Katey's in the choir loft
The Reverend's in the pews
Talking to the worshippers
With mirrors on his shoes
Trevor's in Mahoney Park
With Vicodin and crack
And books out from the library
He's never taking back
And it's Midnight in Nebraska
High and getting higher
Midnight, everything's on fire
It's Midnight in Nebraska
High and getting higher
Midnight, everything's on fire
Sister Sam's a scarecrow and
Brother Bob's a bird
For lent they gave up solid food
And 7-letter words
Climb up crystal Christmas trees
While foraging for food
Whatever, dude
The Reverend's in the headlights
The mirrors tell the tale
There's mud and there's fresh blood
On the rusted guard rails
They're mixing rye and ginger
She's there at his cheek
She bends low
To hear him speak
And it's Midnight in Nebraska
High and getting higher
Midnight, everything's on fire
It's Midnight in Nebraska
High and getting higher
Midnight, everything's on fire
Katey's in the choir loft
The Reverend's in the pews….