Dan Bigras oreste

Dan Bigras
Thanks to the gods! My misfortune surpasses my hope
Yes I praise you, to heaven! Of your perseverance
Relentlessly applied to punishing me
To the height of pain you sent me
Your hatred took pleasure in forming my misery re
I was born to serve as an example to your anger
To be an accomplished model of misfortune
Well, I die happy, and my fate is filled
Where are these two lovers? To crown my joy
In their blood, in mine, I must drown;
By dying I want to look at them
Let us bring together three hearts that could not agree
But what thick night suddenly surrounds me?
Which way should I go out? Why do I shiver? What horror seizes me? Thanks to heaven I glimpse
Gods! What streams of blood flow around me!
What, Pyrrhus, do I meet you again?
Will I find everywhere a rival whom I abhor?
Pierced with so many blows, how can you are you saved?
Here, here’s the blow I have in store for you
But what do I see? In my eyes Hermione kisses him!
She comes to snatch him from the blow that threatens her?
Gods, what terrible looks she casts on me!
What demons, what serpents trail Is she after you?
Well, daughters of hell, are your hands ready?
For whom are these serpents that hiss over your heads?
à who do you intend the device that follows you?
Have you come to kidnap me in the eternal night?
Come, Orestes abandons himself to your furies
But no, withdraw, let Hermione do it
The ungrateful person better than you will know how to tear me apart
And I finally bring my heart to her to devour