Dana Falconberry crooked river

Run, little crooked river run
Down the mountain side
From whence you've come
Never turn around
To look behind me
Travel safely, swiftly
Through the pine trees
Run, little crooked river run.
Flow, little crooked river flow
Nevermind wich way the wind will blow
And keep a steady pace about your course
Overtake each path but not use forth
Flow, little crooked river flow.
Rush, little crooked river rush
Inbetween the little elms and through the brush
Carry sticks and twigs upon your back
Tumble, turn and fall but loose not track.
Rush, little crooked river rush.
Wind, little crooked river wind
Wind into the open sea you find
And admire your arival in the clear air
Do take time to breathe it when you get there
Wind, little crooked river wind.