Dance Nation! beethoven 9 sinfonie

Joy, beautiful spark of the gods,
Daughter of Elysium,
We enter, drunk with fire,
Heavenly one, your sanctuary.
Your magic binds again,
What fashion strictly divides,
All men become brothers,
Where your gentle wing dwells. (x2)
He who has succeeded in the great success,
Being a friend's friend,
He who has won a fair wife,
Interfere with his rejoicing!
Yes - whoever calls even a soul
Being on earth!
And he who has never been able to do it, let him steal
Weeping away from this bond!
Joy, beautiful spark of the gods,
Daughter of Elysium,
We enter drunk with fire,
Heavenly ones, your sanctuary.
Your magic binds again,
What fashion strictly divides,
All men become brothers,
Where your gentle wing dwells.
Joy, beautiful spark of the gods,
Daughter of Elysium,
We enter drunk with fire,
Heavenly, your sanctuary.