Daniel Rogers little boat

Lying in your boat, you started floating away On dancing through the rapids, your body tossed and swayed Out to the open sea you sailed Your tiny silhouette unveiled You and your little boat You met the world today
Past foreign cities and carnival lights And shipyard docks and the Isle of Wight You and your little boat You saw the world today
Watching the sea and contemplating Waiting for a revelation And waiting and waiting and then
Waking one quiet day your boat had drifted ashore At the base of a hill you'd never seen before You climbed the slope, it stretched on upward But your feet sunk into the ground and they slipped hard And you fell And you fell
The clouds blow, the ships sail Do you stay the same? The waves splash, the birds wail Do you feel the same? The shore moves, the lights change Is it all the same? The planes fly, the sky rains Does life look the same? Does life look the same? Does life look the same?