Danielle Lo Presti and The Masses 22 mountains

22 Mountains, then 22 more
Each one a genesis that led her closer to home
Now everyday she uses it
To help thousands who would've had no one
Don't you give it up, girl
Don't you give it up, don't you give it up
You could be so close but just don't know it
Don't you give it up, girl
Don't you give it up, don't you give it up
Things are comin' round, you just can't feel it now
Ten years, ten, she wanted to leave to love another
But didn't, â€~cause he grew sick and needed her
So she stayed 'til the end
I asked her how she made it through
She said, ‽I saw it as a gift and I still do”
Don't you give it up, girl
Don't you give it up, don't you give it up
You could be so close but just don't know it
Don't you give it up, girl
Don't you give it up, don't you give it up
Things are comin' 'round, you just can't feel it now
How many journeys, songs, medicines
Would now not be known
How many rights un-won, how many words un-written
If the heroes and heroines we know now
Had let the injustices beat them down
Teacher alone, don't give up we need you
Mother alone, don't give up we need you
Father alone, don't give up we need you
Artist alone, activist alone
Don't you give up we need you
Don't you give it up, girl
Don't you give it up, don't you give it up
You could be so close but just don't know it
Don't you give it up, girl
Don't you give it up, don't you give it up
Things are comin' round, you just can't feel it now
Teacher alone, don't give up we need you
Mother alone, don't give up we need you
Father alone, don't give up we need you
Artist alone, activist alone
Don't you give up we need you
Child alone, visionary alone
Brother, sister alone
Please, don't give it up
Don't give it up we need you