Danielle Rose sing a new song

Whatever gains that I have had
I consider a loss to me
Because of knowing Jesus I've accepted losing everything
That it may be found in him
I will sing a new song
To the Lord a new song
I will sing a new song to the Lord
He has turned my mourning
Turned it into dancing
My silence into melody
Forgeting all that lies behind
Straining forward to what lies ahead
I continue my pursuit and hope to reach the heavenly prize
The resurrection from the dead
I will sing a new song
To the Lord a new song
I will sing a new song to the Lord
He has turned my mourning
Turned it into dancing
My silence into melody
Depending on faith to know his power
And sharing in his sufferings
My being conformed to his death
I will rise with him
I will sing a new song
To the Lord a new song
I will sing a new song to the Lord
He has turned my mourning
Turned it into dancing
My silence into melody
I will sing a new song
To the Lord a new song
I will sing a new song to the Lord
He has turned my mourning
Turned it into dancing
My silence into melody