Danny Shearer paper bricks

Verse 1
I ripped my heart out and placed it in their hands
The smell of copper stains the air
Red lines run down their arms
As the seams begin to tear
Verse 2
Some days I’m like a guitar
Other days like a marionette
‘Cause I let them play the strings on my heart
And they fine-tune every thread
The house I built is made of paper bricks
I dropped a match into the floorboards
White turns into black, walls are becoming ash
The dusty roof falls on my shoulders
Verse 3
I’m sitting in a courtroom
Verdicts I create strike my ears like the gavel
Can’t find my face among the jury
So my worth bleeds out as my veins unravel
The house I built is made of paper bricks
I dropped a match into the floorboards
White turns into black, walls are becoming ash
The dusty roof falls on my shoulders
Their thoughts shatter my morale
Like crystal falling to the ground
And I stain the ground that sliced my feet
Still I walk through these broken pieces
The house I built is made of paper bricks
I dropped a match into the floorboards
White turns into black, walls are becoming ash
The dusty roof falls on my shoulders
Orange flames rise behind me
Razor air slits my skin
I lie between dusty piles
Chasing ashes in the wind