Dany Brillant je voudrais tant que tu me donnes

I would like so much that you give me
What you give to no one
I would like to be the first
In your heart and in your ideas
I would so much like that you give yourself
As we never give ourselves to anyone
I would like to be the first
In your heart and in your thoughts
I want to drink from your source
And dive into eternity
Lay down on your bed of moss
Stay there contemplating you
If that can't be enough for you
If you don't want to give me anything
I will pay with my smile
Or I will come and steal it from you
If I had the key to your soul
I would come to free you ©rer
I looked for you in every woman
And I want to learn to love you
But if one day you abandon me
All that will console me
br/>These are the moments that we give to each other
And which only belong to me
We are rich in what we give
Poor if we want everything keep
I can't live without anyone
My joy is to share it
I would really like you to give me
What you never dared
I want to be the first man
To whom you offer yourself without counting
I would like to be the last
In your heart and in your thoughts.