Dark Hunt malleus maleficarum burn it

It is the agony that goes by without a sound.
It is the sun that no longer rises.
Let there be eternal my old flour!
Voice of the fallen to me quietly sings ...
Lesson to me
We are children of the filthy story…
Set fire to icons!!!
At night I gnaw my elbows,
Greedily tearing the skin off my face.
So I will die without life
So I will die like dead heart.
Sancta in flamma ignis:
In omni tempore
Lesson to me
We are children of the filthy story…
Set fire to icons!!!
Is any of this even real?
I can see it only in a dream
Forget about everything
And it looks like a flame fed by us
Remember us
Like children of the filthy story
Again, having passed a rope in my throat,
Tighten the noose to shout from the outside!
Oh, how I want to give up without a word ...
And let the dance on fire.