Dark Moor cuentos de ayer y de hoy

I am going to speak through the mouths of my people
Expressing their desperation
ÃÂI want accounts of our education
ÃÂHave any of you destroyed our illusion? ?
I have lived the sadness of my generation
Stories of yesterday and today
Always learning the same lesson
It was our culture that betrayed us
We have invented communication
We have discarded prostitution
We are not interested in empires
And we have practiced love
Let's stop the crude evolution
The return to the forests is the solution
We do not want competition machines
We have the horse, there is no clock
We want to see the Earth clean
Do not cover it with tar and concrete
Out with useless war
Save your weapons for another occasion
We want to live in grasslands
And see the sunset
Make our house in a tree
Plant many flowers with our song
Out with useless wars
Save your weapons for another occasion