Darkwood schieferkreuze

The forest, the silence, our silence.
The noise has died down, the war is over.
Silence is inherent in the soul.
We are happy. We are at home.
The long-awaited homeland came:
the twilight, the moss, the fir.
We rest warmly, like long-stretched
mushroom threads, secretly, man to man.
The gray slate crosses sink
down, down with every year.
The strong, brown roots drink
probably year after year from our grave.
The treetops sometimes whisper quietly
What fills our silent hearts.
The song sounds ancient and sad,
Suddenly enveloped by a proud roar.
The forest, the silence, our silence.
Twilight falls. The war is over.
You see how we are leaning towards the dream,
towards the deep dream. We are at home.
Do you see how we lean towards the dream,
towards the deep dream. We are home.