Darrell Mcfadden i m on my journey now

I'm on my journey now, I won't trade nothing for my journey now
It's get hard Lord, but I won't turn around. I won't trade nothing for my journey now
I won't trade nothing for my journey now
I made up my mind to do God's will. So I don't mind climbing these rugged hills.
I've been talked about, I've even been lied on.
But I won't turn around,
gotta make Heaven my home….. I on……
I'm on my Journey now (4x)
I won't trade nothing (repeat)
Let us say it again
On my journey
Said I'm on
On my journey
Can anybody testify
That you're on your journey
Can anybody testify
That you're on your journey
I won't trade nothing
No I won't
Not my money
Not my wealth
What does it profit a man
To gain the whole world
And turn around
And lose his soul
I won't trade nothing
Gotta make Heaven my home
Gotta make Heaven my home
Silver and Gold
Have I none
Can I get one witness
Can I get one witness
When I'm by myself
When I'm all alone
I think about
What God brought me thru
He brought me thru ups
He brought me thru downs
And if somebody asked me
Would I do it again
And my answer will be
I don't feel no ways tired
I don't feel no ways tired
What about y'all over there
Can i get a witness
Have you ever been thru something
Have you ever been thru something
If you had to do it all
All over again
Tell me how would you feel
How would you feel
Good God almighty
Good God almighty
I won't trade nothing
Tell your neighbor
How I had to cry
In the midnight hour
Sometimes I got sick
Along the way
I thought I had friends
I thought I had associates
But as soon as trouble came
They walked out and left me
But I found out
There's not a friend
There's not a friend
Like the lowly Jesus
No not one
No not one
I won't trade nothing……
I won't trade nothing