Dave Giles call of duty

A soldier died in the war today
He was working in a foreign land
On a routine patrol round town
He was killed by a roadside bomb
Are we becoming numb to this?
have we drowned out what it means?
And do we think of the consequence
when the report says:
His Family have been informed
They said his name on the radio
he was 31 years of age
He left behind a wife and child
his wife had to tell his mum
He loved his job and took pride in his work
He was a popular and funny guy
but did we think of his sacrifice
when the report said:
His family have been informed
The soldier's mum can hardly sleep at night
She wonders if he called out her name
She's so proud of her brave son
but no parent should have to bury their child
She's written letters to the family's
of the soldiers who have fallen since
after all she knows what it means
when the reports say:
His family have been informed
And do i live my life as if someone else
is putting theirs on the line for mine
And should i sing this song cause
i don't know how it feels
to be the family that's been informed.