Dave Weasel sarah sweet sarah

Sarah sweet sarah why did you break up with me
was it that time I cheated on you giving you that std
but that lady I hired for the afternoon told me she was disease free
so sarah theres no reason for you to be mad at me
was it that time i got drunk and I made out with your dog
man's best friends with benefits nobody ever told me it was wrong
and i farted at your parents anniversary dinner and I told them it was you
I scolded you for your lack of manners Sarah that's just rude
sarah sweet sarah why did you break up with me
was it that time I exposed myself to your whole family
but those dick pics i sent to your mom were for her eyes only
sarah there's no reason for you to be mad at me
was it when i punched that waiter cuz he was looking at your butt
and i saw you crying and i asked if it's cuz of your new hair cut
or was it for staring at your little sister when she wears her skinny jeans
and the app i downloaded counting down till the day she turns 18
sarah sweet sarah why did you break up with me
was it that time i stole your purse and i spent all your money
but your credit cards maxed out before i could put them in the VLTs
so sarah theft insurance is why you can't be mad at me
and after you broke up with with me your friends threw you a party
don't those women know you'll never find another man as good as me
Sarah sweet sarah why the fuck did you break up with me
was it that time I cheated on you giving you that std
but that lady I hired for the afternoon told me she was disease free
so sarah theres no reason for you to be mad at me
don't break up with me
or ill kill you
please stay here with me