David Bowden i used to

From Him and through Him and to Him
Everything, Everything
From Him and through Him and to Him
Everything, Everything
I used to be in love
Before there was space to be void or form to be darkness
Prior to the beginning being deployed or the deep being faceless
When the start of something was previously impossible
Because all things were always in existence
Sooner than the waters had less of a face than the darkness
When past and future were still known as the present
Back when time's hand hadn't yet given seconds a shove
Before the heavens could be oriented as above
I used to be in love
For my knowing outdated my knowledge
My person predated my personage
My hand preceded its glove
My loving anteceded my love
For I was understood before I could understand
I stood before I was able to stand
I was chosen before I could choose
I was won before I could lose
I used to be in love
And so did you
For everyone He's chosen He also knew
And everyone He's known, He also drew
Away from the deeps and waters facing back into
The eternity before there was someone to be known as you
But you did not love, for how could you?
You and I were formless and faceless as the deep and water were too
We used to be in love, but love was not in us
We were in it and it was in God
I used to be in love
Before beginning ever touched in the
And oceans finally said, enough
Before my lips could ever proclaim the name of Jehovah
Yahweh ordained me to be His son
For there was one thing I surely was
I used to be in love
From Him and through Him and to Him
Everything, Everything
From Him and through Him and to Him
Everything, Everything
From Him and through Him and to Him
Everything, Everything
From Him and through Him and to Him
Everything, Everything