David Ingles go tell john again

John in prison heard about the works of Christ
And he sent disciples to the Lord
Are You the Christ, or will there be another?
Jesus spoke the answer unto them
Does it seem you're locked in a prison
Doing time and getting nowhere there?
Revelation brings the needed answer
Jesus' words still echo loud and clear
Thirsty lands become springs of water
And the deserts blossom as the rose
Waters break out springs in a dry land
When a word in season's fitly told
He said, Go tell John again
Go tell John again, The blind see
The lame walk, The lepers are cleansed
And the dead are raised
And the poor have the Gospel
Preached to them
So, Go tell John again, Go tell John again
The dumb they sing, the deaf they hear
Minds renewed, they are thinking clear
Blessed are they whom My words do not offend
Till the prison's empty, Go tell John again