David Ingles i will arise and go home

What an empty life far from Jesus
Thank God! I've come to myself
Hard is the way of transgressors
And there's only one way to real help
Satan imposes a blindness
But, praise God, the Light has now shone
The enemy's power is broken
Now I will arise and go home
How foolish, how needless we suffer
The Word says He's done all things well
Redeemed us from sin's dread provisions
Poverty, sickness and hell
By knowing the truth we have freedom
Thank God, deliverance is come
My Father is lovingly waiting
So I will arise and go home
I will arise and go home
I will arise and go home
Even the servants have plenty
And all real living is gone
I'll say, Father
I've sinned against heaven
Unworthy to be called your son
But I know that I will be welcome
So I will arise and go home
I know that my Father is waiting
So I will arise and go home