Day of Execution lust for gore

Smashed to death Left to rot
Dismembered bodies hanged on the hooks
No legs no arms
Only agonizing faces with no eyes
Scattered innards lay all around
Tools of the torment ordered
Awating the next crippled body
The stench of death excites
Desires on my mind
For killing more and more
To quench my lust for gore
To separate the bones from the flesh
Trying to understand how it works
What makes the body to breathe
What makes the eyes to see
From where love and hate come
What happens when the body dies
The stench of death excites
Desires on my twisted | mind
Arouse me even more
Thrilled with lust for fucking | gore
But does it matter after all
There is still blood
So worm and tasty
And the garlands of the guts
This is the feast of gore
This is the triumph
of the rotting flesh
of the entrails
There is a question in my mind
Could I bring the parts back to life
Fit the pieces together
To hear just one breath
To create an ugly vision
Living by my own will
(I) pick a mutilated torso
(I) stitch the rotting pale flesh
(I) rearrange the scattered limbs
(I) stuff the organs and the bones
(I) place a fractured empty scull
(The) jigsaw pieces fit together
(I) put the eyeballs and the brain
(My) doll of human meat and gore
(Her) putrid body gives me pleasure
(My) morbid sculpture turns me on
(I) start to rape her lifeless flesh
(To) sodomize my pleasure slave
(I) spray my tool with her blood
Sick orgasmic necrophilia
When my delight is gone
It’s time to kill again
I’m killing more and more
To quench my lust for fucking | gore
Lust for gore
Lust for gore