De Kast hetere vuren

Locked in fate
Things no longer go the way you want
You are forced to be strong
Even if there is no one to say so
The burden is on your shoulders
And it just doesn't end
Only by remaining anonymous
You will be spared
If you go higher, you will be brought down
But you have hotter fires stood
Even though you sometimes seemed broken
You climbed out of the valley
You have stood before hotter fires
At the crucial point you go further or back
Your head is full, but you still have to continue
There are sounds and parties and people talking about you
You break away but you are not free
In the open field you are quickly hit
Only when you fall, then the battle is stopped
Soon you will find the strength
Then no one can around you
Soon you will find the COURAGE to strike back
Hotter fires, hotter fires........