De Kast ik kijk

The Closet
Nothing to Lose
I'm Watching
I couldn't have known what awaited me
I forget how it actually started
But I got into your nets, and I wanted to resist
I didn't even know if I liked you
We kept talking, but I kept the door locked
I was watching, but still I stayed out of harm's way
I especially didn't want to reveal anything
And not give way to anything or anyone
Because what I want is the law and I determine my own fate
But now you're lying here sleeping in my bed, and I'm looking
And I'm looking, and I can't get tired of it
And I'm looking, and I can't get tired of it
There was a distance, I kept you were miles away from me
Until the day you hardly said anything to me anymore
You started ignoring me, maybe you thought that would teach him
Well you were right, I was just as crazy if you
It's strange that you choose someone from so many
It's strange that you prefer to share every moment with her
If I hadn't just gone to that place by chance< br/>Then I would never have known about your entire existence
And now I would walk through fire for you
I'm crying my eyes out