Dead Earth Politics dos cuerpos

Two bodies in my El Camino riding West into the sun
Two bodies in my El Camino – won't come back with either one
When I killed them it felt so real, with my own two hands I slew
When I killed them it felt so real, choked them till their lips turned blue
Don't hear their lies – don't hear their cries – don't hear their lies
Dos Cuerpos
Two hands paint the wheel smearing blood with every turn
These two hands have cleared the path that leads to eternal burn
When I gripped them, the power grew – strength of theirs became my own
When I gripped them, the power grew – now these morals have been disowned
Rotting bodies rotten in the Sun
Three bodies in my El Camino, capsized – baking in the sun
Three bodies in my El Camino, now this body is the final one
I pulled the trigger – it felt so real I have found peace anew
I pulled the trigger now its come to pass…I found my place with both of you
Don't hear their lies – don't hear their cries – don't hear their lies
Dos Cuerpos.