Dead King Cotton no tears shed

How could we ever come so close I
Heard a young man say
When everything that we know and love should have
Vanished on that day
With our backs turned here and fingers pointed there
How much longer can it last
Till everything that we know and love has
Slipped back into the past
Still we press on so far ahead
Still no tears to be shed
When the sky is dark and the smoke is thick and you
Can't see what's above
It's hard to tell the difference in an
Eagle and a dove
When an olive branch grows from a dead man's bones as he
Lays there in the ground
Is there anybody left in this whole wide world who's
There to make a sound
Still we press on so far ahead
Still no tears to be shed
Still we press on so far ahead
Still no tears to be shed
Still no tears to be shed