Death Is Not Glamorous to tell you the truth

Just don't wanna lie, she said and our lines crossed
I feel the same if I feel anything
to make myself feel better, to get the upper hand
And staring at my ceiling
That's the hand that would hold me back
And tonight I'll stay awake and within myself tonight
I won't close my eyes for anything, to anything
I'll try and try to face the things I can't get right
Break every mirror 'til I can't help but sing
Doing is the best way of saying
And would I rather take the hits full-on
Grow stronger, thicker skin!
Instead of living my every day about to collapse within
I'd rather live my every day with the will to truly
Understand what it takes, to admit my mistakes
Test, true, not to bend, will not break
Sometimes just when I'm about to break or broken
The things I fear the most need to be spoken
So I'll shout, shout them out, let it out, get it all out
When the future's always a sleepless night away
I'll take it day by day
We hung up then but I feel resolved, I'm breaking out of
This, I can't let myself down by living lies, rather stand
For something than live for nothing real
Stand for truth to myself
Than ignore the things I know I feel