Debout Sur Le Zinc mieux que rien

You are better than nothing, not a seed
Tomorrow, that I remember it
For a little that we draw on your talent
The passers-by appear, the very © passers-by
Very little for me the accident this doubt
This little muffled hope slips away
Pile falls at my feet that life reminds me
to run the opposite of your lips
If you have to run, get in shape
Put a smile where men fall
Even if it means running away, you might as well get some fresh air
In other arms, empty yourself, get lost
You're in trouble, I'll leave you behind
Stick other lovers with your soul in distress to your ass
You you're just a sigh gone forever
A nothing of nothing without regret without return
If you take too much advantage of your talent, it fades and makes the sales pitches slip away
You're just a 'a sob not vintage,
Among the enemies: worn memory
Love is measured by the fraction
Of a second, and the rest is passion
If we still have to find doubt
He lost his soul on the way
You're better than nothing about that, nothing to complain about
But better than nothing when the best is the worst
You're in trouble, I'll let you
Stick other lovers with a distressed soul to your ass