Deconstructing Sequence departure of the stellar fleet marks the year one

So here we are. at the Year One
Starting over, searching for a new home world
A place for us to prosper
To propagate our will
To wake up with the sight of a new horizon
With sun rising over it just like before
But giving light warmer and brighter
Our stellar fleet never stops
Listening to the haunting sounds of the deep space
Lured by odd voices of alien worlds
Enchanted by delicate tingling of astral anomalies
The song is never complete
Star after star
Drifting through nebulas
From the outer regions to the axis and the core
The stellar fleet roams
Coming from nowhere
From coldest place you've ever seen
There were nothing there
Just dried dead tree
In an empty scorched place
Devoid of light
Darkness consumes your mind
Burns out your heart
What we are searching for
We don't know
There is just this faint image implanted in us
By hope and desire to say something more
To make the difference
Future unknown
Blessed or destroyed
The path is open…
Winter is coming…
The destination doesn't matter as much as the road itself
We are on the journey beyond what was known before
Beyond boundaries set by those we dared to oppose in desperate act of rebellion
We set our minds and hearts free and left rot of the Earth behind
I remember… that cold dawn in October
Both you and I should see it coming, but we wished to remain blind
We remained mute as swans as we let go of each other's hand
Both of us knew you had to let me go to the stars with them
United we fell apart
Gathered on the orbit
There's no turning back
Engines are ignited
Protocols are set
Fighting Earth's gravity
We push forward
No remorse in hearts
Determined not to fail again
Passing moons and planets
Through the Oort's cloud
Set to new direction
Without looking back
Steel giants march on
Released into nightsky
Passing stars and black holes
Leaving all this shit behind
Will we survive this?
The answer unknown
Is the path right?
Has it ever been?
Where are the answers?
To questions that burn
Does anybody hold them?
Is it all worth it?
Doubts strike
Or should we retreat?
Hide like rats
Maybe we're wrong
Who knows that?
But we are moving on
Ripping time and space we are in no way to retreat
The course is set to the nearest solar system
Going back is giving up and giving up is submitting our heads to the cold axe of numbness.