Deekestrelz 413 belong

413 belong with ashes to Deekestrel
And now to the give me my saving
Yeah KA, you gotta casket check my nigga a matter!
*gun shot*
Yo, Deekestrelz, now to the caskets
Prieod is too late
*gun shot*
Why, a caskets now to the Deathtrap, Rep!
*gun shot*
Now is a house today, yummy boy!
*gun shot*
You are a death!
*gun shot*
You're going to die!
*gun shot*
You gotta chest my beast now is Deekestrelz!
*gun shot*
And now to the chest with the horror now is based son
*gun shot*
No, and now to belong
*gun click*
And now to Death Row!
*heavy gun shot*