Dein Schatten hallo

Hello?? Is there someone?
Then listen up
I have something for you
In my basement
Do you want to see it?
Then follow me
Come on with
It's this way
Down the stairs
And then to the left
Straight ahead
Along the hallway
We'll be there in a moment
You see the door?
That's where you go in
Wait a minute
I'll open it
Come on, come in
Please follow you
I'll turn on the light soon
And close the door
And chop on it!
Chop on it!
Chop on it!
Always on it!
Always on it!
On it!< br/>On it!
It was just fun
It was just fun!
It was a mistake
I'll go back now
Go upstairs
Go upstairs
Hello?? Is anyone there?