Delafe y las Flores Azules the bitter side of love

i'm stuck in the bitter side of love
i'm stuck in a call set double run
in a dream that wasn´t true
in the city wait to chill
and according to me i just can´t move
because according to you there's nothing i can do
so may i change city
i wash my face
i start to trash
all the clothes she hate
let grow my hair and beard as well
to drink vermouth in a coolest cafe
and play scot walker instead of stevie wonder
drinking pastiso at night instead of having sex
but i don´t want it
God will I be in love again
or i will be the sweetest men
will i wake up with a smile
will someone love me as i am
going to work hard everyday
and try to learn from my mistakes
is getting closer the date
when i write my name
again, again