Descendents grand theme

I listen to you for hours
I'll listen all day, just keep hitting me the right way
Sing your song in the shower
'Cause you got a way to say what I can never say right
Right on
When I feel weak you make me feel strong
Make me feel strong
I won't say your name
But you know who you are, I'll never be the same again now
No way
I just want to say
Thank you for playing the way you play
You don't get played on the radio
That's not the game you play, well I don't care anyway
I glued your tape in the stereo, so I know every word, every note and every chord is right
Right on
When I feel weak you make me feel strong
Make me feel strong
Feel like nothing's wrong
I won't say your name
You know who you are, I'll never be the same again now
No way
I just want to say
Thank you for playing the way you play
Did you know you're why I go and waste my time at a rock and roll show
You let me know I'm not alone
You make me feel strong, make me feel strong, feel like nothing's wrong
I won't say your name
You know who you are I'll never be the same again now
No way
I just want to say
Thank you for playing the way you play
Thank you for playing the way you play
Thank you for playing the way you play