Desire Parker fields of hope english

Beneath a veil so cold
You deeply sleep all alone
The melody of prayer, on the lonely fields
A little light shined
I watched as you dreamed
You laugh like a child
So dear and yet so far
That is the promise of our future
That one day, on a green morning
One day, we will make it there
Because in this wintered sky
We still believe
Fields of hope
On the day we were born, we were embraced
And now we search for those gentle hands again
The melody of prayer; one vanishes,
And all begins again; a powerless, a painful continuation
One day, to that green morning
We'll cross through all these nights
Because that is the place each one of us search
Now within my own heart
I want to keep you warm
So dear, and yet so far
In the name of peace
Fields of hope
So dear and yet so far
The fields of promise
Fields of hope
Fields of hope