Despite Exile amentia

Brain dead and comatose, incapable of reason
Adept in anything and everything
Inhaling fumes of burning desire
Lacerating flesh relentlessly
Full of poison
Ready to infect everyone
Your perfume fills my lungs
Drowning in solitude
Pray for nothing
Prey everyone
We understand what we had only when we're deprived of it
Are we condemned to be?
Are we just instants of eternity?
Meaningless and undeserving
Bearers of evil and plagues.
Waiting as my fingers carve deep furrows in my head
I wear proudly my regret as a second skin
Capable of anything and everything
Lost in the depths of an unknown's eyes
Trying to comprehend every emotion.
Experiment the darkness.
Speak in silence, hear the noise of nothingness.
Breath deeply.
Tomorrow won't come.
Everything becomes nothing.
Forever ends.