Dezzi D feat. La Baby stay away from drugs

*jazzy just dancin around and the alarm going off*
Oh no!
Oh hot dang, would you look at the time
Let me ask you this
Will you accept or decline?
We're talking about that thing called addiction
Could happen to anyone
There are no restrictions
We need to be aware of the dangerous factors
How staying safe and sober is a benefactor
I'm not trying to preach, trust me I'm no pastor
But listen up folks so you can avoid disaster
If you are underage then you need to watch out
Quit wasting all your money, honey
Save your clout
In the now it may not seem like a big deal
But later in your life it is not ideal
Now look I'm not trying to take away your fun
But why sacrifice self respect for anyone?
You need to have control
Be aware of what your doing
And consider all the consequences before you start pursuing
I'm sure that we all have high hopes and big dreams
And if you don't
This is still very necessary
You can't let this little thing get in your way
And keep you from achieving things you could eventually say
Now I'm not trying to claim thatI'm better than you
And anyone else that's safe for that matter too
Heck if we're not equal then why not try
To be the best self you can be and tell those things goodbye
Live a healthy life
Stay away from drugs
There are so many other things that you can love
Like pugs and rugs and hugs and mugs and
tubs and scrubs and plugs and jugs
Live a healthy life
Stay away from drugs
There are so many other things that you can love
Like pugs and rugs and hugs and mugs
and tubs and scrubs and plugs and jugs
If you completely ignore this then you do you boo
I'm just trying to get this vital message through
I hope you consider your actions in the future
Wish you the best of luck
Don't be a loser
*blooper reel*
*jazzy's outro*
*more bloopies*