Die Aerzte geld

I met a woman in a disco,
We smoked weed near the fence of San Fran Sisko.
Our looks went deep,
It was clear that something was going on here,
I knew Nothing will go wrong tonight.
After some banter we went to her place.
I just wanted one more thing and I was ready for it.
She was young and incredibly beautiful, but she made me understand
First she wanted to see my wallet.
She wanted money, money, money.
She wanted money, money, money.
That distorted her in my eyes.
I was bruised, I want him in this world. everyone just money!
A friend of mine who plays in a group,
no one spit in his soup so easily.
But the record company came, like in loving Durham,
now All he had left was scrap, but he's not warm to it.
Now he can hardly control his wealth and his friends can hardly be bothered to cry.
But in just a year, his money won't be there anymore.< br/>Then his friends are automatically decimated.
Because of money, money, money.
Always just money, money, money.
Even if you didn't miss it that much.
>The most important thing in this world is money.
Suddenly I think of a solution,
because there is a secret to being happy.
It's just really simple, yes I'm telling you to your face,
Unfortunately, the tip won't be really happy.
Because I want money, money, money.
Just a little money, money, money.
Even if you don't like it that much,
The most important thing in this world is money, money, money.
.Money, money, money.
Even if you don't like it that much , the most important thing in this world is money, money, money!
.Money, money, money!
Even if you don't like it that much,
the most important thing in this world is just money!