Die Apokalyptischen Reiter freiheit gleichheit bruderlichkeit

Are you afraid of freedom because it demands something?
Has fear condemned you to slavery forever?
You worship the chain that seduces you every day
And you still want to chain others , so that you can also lead
There is no freedom here, because there is no freedom
There is a lack of equality, but you don't want to be equal
There is none here Freedom, because you don't want to be free
There is a lack of equality, but you don't want to be equal
You sacrifice your pride, you sacrifice your goodness
You sacrifice your life, your love every day , your drives
But you're not sure, you just want to feel like that
You're adjusted, dull and closed
There's no rule here Freedom, because there is no freedom
There is a lack of equality, but you don't want to be equal
There is no freedom here, because you don't want to be free
There is a lack of equality, but you want to be equal not