Die Toten Hosen wir

[Originally by Freddy Quinn]
Who doesn't want to be confused with bums? WE!
Who cares about peace on earth? WE!
You hang around in parks and alleys,
Who can't believe your senseless laziness? WE! WE! WE!
Who has the courage to be ashamed of you? WE!
Who won't let our future be taken away from them? WE!
Who sees you defacing old churches,
And has to lose all respect for you? WE! WE! WE!
Because someone has to be there who doesn't just destroy,
Who preserves our faith for us,
Who learns, who educates himself, who does his work,
To Building tomorrow's world.
The world of tomorrow is already WE today!
Who won't remain the loud crowd forever? WE!
Who says that work is only shameful,
So bored, so blinded? HER! HER! YOU!
Who wants to talk openly with you again? WE!
Of course, who also has their weaknesses? WE!
Who even has similar stitches,
Even long hair, only it's washed? WE! WE! WE!
We too are for toughness,
We also wear beards,
We too often go way too far.
But sometimes in a good way,
/>In quiet minutes,
We feel sorry for a number of things.
Who hasn't lost hope yet? WE!
And still give thanks to those who gave birth to us? WE!
But who wants to keep protesting
Until there is nothing left to protest? HER! HER! YOU!