Diemonsterdie the strange mind of phineas gage

It takes a certain kind of man
So though that they can tame a land
To drive those silver rails across the plains
Through scorching heat and wintertime
The hammers fell in ceaseless time
A relentless juggernaut beyond compare
But one man lived
Legendary for everything he did
A man known as Phineas Gage
So tall and strong with features fine
The ladies swooned when he'd walk by
In his bed the harlots he'd tame
Of all the men who ever lived
The slaves who built the pyramids
Had nothing on Phineas Gage
He was the man who would not die
How is it that he's still alive?
The strange mind of Phineas Gage
His sliver rod's blown through his head
A gaping hole, He should be dead
But Phineas got back to his feet
The silver rod he'd custom made
Was found 300 yards away
Red and slicked with Phineas' brains
With doctor's help
They reattached his skull and scalp
And he swore that he never felt pain
He went insane, he lost his mind
Impulse control he'd left behind
Obscenities he screamed into the night
Of all the men who ever lived
The slaves who built the pyramids
Had nothing on Phineas Gage
He was the man who would not die
How is it that he's still alive?
The strange mind of Phineas Gage