Disguise eclipse

When the moon passes
Between the sun and the earth,
A strange fascination
Takes root in the heart.
And suddenly, anything is possible.
Its power is undeniable.
Its beauty mesmerizing.
Its lure biblical.
Its meaning unknowable.
And as quickly as it comes, It disappears,
It's the time to rise again,
ice enters in my body.
frozen blood is flowing in my veins.
I am hearing the howling chaos
It starts with light
And ends with light.
There is darkness.
Nothing there is beyond hope.
Its beauty mesmerizing.
Its lure biblical.
Its meaning unknowable.
And as quickly as it comes, It disappears,
It's the time to rise again.
Nothing that can be sworn impossible.
Since Zeus, father of the Olympians,
Made night from midday...
Hiding the light of the shining sun
And raining dark fear down upon men.
It's coming.
Nothing there is beyond hope
We look for answers everywhere.
To find our purpose on this earth.
No Matter what the ramification.
The friendships that may be hurt.
Or the deals with the devil we need to make.
It's coming.
Nothing there is beyond hope
Nothing that can be sworn impossible.
The deals with the devil we need to make.
There is darkness.
Nothing there is beyond hope.