Dividing the Line cavelings

We are like prisoners
From birth made to believe
That everyday experience
Is all there is
One rebel prisoner escapes
Into the daylight
And finds out there is
A better place
To see form beyond trivial scenes
Is to appreciate the finer things
To become golden rulers
In a society of silvers
Is to know to experience directly?
Raise your head or become bewitched
If you have seen such beauty
You have met it as a form
Such forms are for the masters
And leave the rest forlorn
For those who spot the features
That make us all unique
Rewards will be forthcoming
And remain present for time
To become golden rulers
In a society of silvers
Is to know to experience directly?
Raise your head or become bewitched
The way things pan out
Will depend on the way that we view them
For those that look on
The forms will show their beauty
Will show their beauty
Will show us all