Doctor Decade retweet it!

Don’t matter if I got nothin to say
I’m gonna tweet about it anyway
I’m in a big flock of sarcastic birds
Dropping our clever little virtual turds
Don’t just read it
Re-tweet it!
Don’t just read it
Gotta Re-tweet it!
I only follow people who follow back
It’s the perfect echo chamber for complicated facts
I can’t type and I sure can’t spell
But I can retweet like I’m ringing a bell (Johnny B Goode riff)
I’m sitting here watching my TV
Tweeting everything that occurs to me
Great commercial! Look at her hair!
I’m not wearing any underwear.
I’m tired of tweeting my fingers to the bone
And I can’t think of anything of my own
So I just retweet what other people say
Cuz’ plagiarizing tweets is A-OK