Don Huonot manimania

hey uncle fairy guess who
bitterness's binoculars are looking at the loupe
hey loruttie guess who saw
how the lies stumped by greed
I would smoke a lie
everyone knows those uncles and aunts
they fish where your lickas doe
with loan worms and interest hooks
tax mobs are broken up and controlled with debt traps
bread and circus hats, bread and circus hats
scars are patched with everyday price tags
manimania shows the way, people cheers and demands more
bread and circus fun
hey big brother clear clear clear
yes the magnet of one's pole is always the strongest
hey big sister Wow what a disco
supported by asynchronous strobes
kestopikabite paces the hearts
everyone knows those brothers and sisters
those iguana-like monstrous lizards
change color according to time and place
but does anyone believe in the healing power of giant tongue
saliva drops?
bread and circus fun...
the color-changing ability of a money chameleon
cheated a plot building permit from a dream
a crow poisoned by burning drawings
a blue-eyed dreamer
bread and circus fun...