Dragon Guardian book of the magic

Leaving for a kingdom to look for a book of the magic
The legendary magic
Leaving the village and going ahead thourgh the highway
Getting information
Drinking in a bar in a town where commerce is active
A visitor began to talk
The book of the legend
According to the story of the visitor
It lies in a kingdom
It was rumor, but in the next morning
I left there
To obtain the incantation
Defeating a king of demon
Going to the kingdom of legend
I've never seen
Long way to go
Walking the long highway spreading out endlessly
Across the desert
Across the river
The book of the magic lies in the steep gorge
It is said that it was sealed the cave where the dragon lives in
The legend of kingdom from the ancient times
A divine area
Soldieres have gone to knock down a dragon in the old days
But they never returned there
It was surrounded by sacred light and blow them off to a different dimension
To the magnificent kingdom
Going the highway spreading out endlessly
I could find it finally
The holy dragon which appears with dazzling light
Vomiting white flame and having scales
Shining with silver
A messenger from the sky called by God
The dragon, which keeps a book of the legendary magic
Only the one with eyes of the truth is able to have it