Dream Projector sunburned

these views don´t seem familiar anymore
they are shaped by the endless waves of sunburns
how to break the chains and disappear into night
somewhere, where the sun never shines
walk through the frames, quiet whispers from the corners
these valleys are grown from the seeds of lamentation
every dark cloud bringing point of no return closer
searching the calming waters for the views
feed the soul?
enjoy the moment and praise new dawn?
before sun burns... again...
fade into view and never fraught this alone
mountains so high rise from the sunburned thoughts
wash the burned hands but the scars are forever more
yearning the calming waters for the views
drift through the frames, whispers turn into lonely chord
these waters are shed from the fragments of broken soul
the pouring rivers reminding forces that are against odds
they have always been here but never this cold
these views don´t seem familiar anymore
they are paved with scars of endless sunburns
how to break the chains and disappear into night
anywhere, where the sun will never shine